MOU – buildingSMART and Australasian Tunnelling Society
We are pleased to announce that the Australasian Tunnelling Society (ATS) and BuildingSMART (bSA) have joined forces and signed an MOU to enable collaboration on BIM and digital engineering use for tunnels and underground ...
QLD ATS Ground Support Workshop
The recent Australasian Tunneling Society (ATS) Workshop in Brisbane was held on the 19th of April. The comprehensive workshop was well attended with over 80 members present, ranging from undergraduate students to industr...
Entries open for 2018 David Sugden Award
In 2004 the Australasian Tunnelling Soceity started the David Sugden Award to encourage young engineers to develop the art of technical writing. The prize for the winning paper includes complimentary conference registration f...
QLD ATS Celebrates St Barbara’s Day
ATS Queensland held the St Barbara’s day breakfast on Friday the 1st of December. The successful event was well attended with the revitalised ATS banner on show. Special thanks to the sponsors for the breakfast EPC, Bamser an...
ATS Starts the Discussion on Silica Exposure in Tunnelling
The recent Australasian Tunnelling Society (ATS) Conference in Sydney was the host for the industry’s first Silica in Tunnelling Workshop. Working with industry to develop and implement health and safety strategies is a cor...
ATS2017 Review
Thank you from the ATS2017 Organising Committee Dear Colleagues in Tunnelling, I am pleased to say that feedback received has indicated that the 16th Australasian Tunnelling Society (ATS) Conference, held at The Star in Sydne...
ATSym On The Harbour at ATS2017
Tunnellers both young and old came together on Sydney Harbour to share a few stories, a few drinks and a great view. The event's tag line of "tunnelling across generations" reflects a key goal of the ATSym's, namely to engage...
ATS Awards – Allen Neyland and David Sugden
On the 30th of October, as part of the the 16th Australasian Tunnelling Conference, two long standarding awards were presented at the conference dinner. The winners are; Allen Neyland Tunnelling Achievement Award - Ed Taylor ...
VIDEO – Implementation of BIM methodology in Tunnels
On the 24th August 2017 the Queensland branch of the ATS was pleased to host, Mr Marko Zibert (Head of Tunnelling and Geotechnics at Elea iC) and Mr Martin Lah (Head of BIM implementation at iC consulenten) at the University ...
ATS2017 Program Release
The 16th Australasian Tunnelling Society triennial conference, ATS2017 will be held across three days from 31st October to the 3rd of November in Sydney. The organisers of this popular series are proud to release the Detailed...
Occupational Health Fellowship Published
In late 2016 Kate Cole received a Fellowship from the Winston Churchil Memorial Trust with the following mission statement; To investigate best practice to prevent illness and disease in tunnel construction workers - Norway, ...
2016 David Sugden Presentation
Congratulations to Daan Van den Broecke the winner of the 2016 David Sugden Award Young Engineers Writing Award (pictured above receiving his award at the recent WTC2017 held in Bergen from ATS President, Ed Taylor). Daan ha...
WTC2017 Wrap up
The 43rd ITA-AITES World Tunnelling Congress was held in Bergen Norway from 9-15 June. The Congress provides a platform for a high quality technical conference with diverse topics and projects from across the globe (from the ...
Registrations Open for ATS2017
Registrations are now open for the 16th Australasian Tunnelling Conference. Australia and New Zealand are in the middle of a genuine infrastructure and more specifically a tunnelling boom. Tunnelling Mega Projects (over $1 b...
More than $10k raised at QLD Golf Day
On the 29th of April more than 60 players took to the greens of St Lucia Golf Links for the annual QLD ATS Charity Golf Day. I trust that all that took part enjoyed themselves and managed to acquire new or fine-tune existing ...
David Sugden Award Submission Date Extended
The ATS have extended the closing date for papers for the the David Sugden Award to 30 June 2017. The David Sugden Award was established in 2004 to encourage young engineers to develop the art of technical writing. The compe...
New ATS Website!
Welcome to the revised ATS website. The redevelopment of this website is due to the feedback received from a number of members who wanted more online content, historical papers and a clean user interface, hopefully this lates...
ATS2017 Call for Abstracts Extended
The abstract submission deadline for the 16th Australasian Tunnelling Conference has been extended to Monday 10 April 2017 - there will be no more extensions. We encourage professionals, institutes, universities and organis...
ATSym at USyd
On Wednesday evening the ATSym headed to the University of Sydney to give undergraduate engineering students an idea of the what tunnelling is and where it can take you. Our presenter, Scott Connor of CPB Contractors graduate...
Calling All ATS Attendees to WTC2017 Bergen
The ITA have requested that the ATS make a presentation to the General Assembly in Bergen on June 11th and a social presentation on the evening of June 13th as part of the selection process for the right to host the WTC 2020....
ITA Awards 2017
After two successful editions in Switzerland and in Singapore, the International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association is getting prepared for the third edition of the ITA Tunnelling Awards, that will take place on the...
ATS NSW Golf Day Donations
On the 9th of February the NSW ATS Committee presented Garvan Medical Research Foundation with the donation raised from the ATS Golf Day held on October 13 2016. The presentation was made to A/Prof Maija Kohonen-Corish, Lab ...
Entries Open for 2017 David Sugden Award
The competition is open to all Australasian Tunnelling Society Members and University students under 35 (as at 31 August 2017). The best paper will be judged by the ATS Executive Committee. The prize includes complimentary co...
ATS2017 Conference Website Live
The ATS2017 Conference Organising Committee are proud to launch the conference website including the call for papers and sponsorship prospectus. Dear Colleagues in Tunnelling, The 16th Australasian Tunnelling Society (ATS) Co...