Fire testing of tunnel concrete lining segments – requirements and practical advice
Melbourne Engineers Australia officeThis presentation provides a detailed summary of the structural fire testing requirements for concrete used in tunnel infrastructures. Contrasting with building fires, tunnel fires are more significant within a few minutes due to the confined space, which can cause concrete spalling and jeopardise the tunnel supporting capacity. This fire-induced damage should be a substantial concern ...
North East Link Program tunnel design overview
Level 15/385 Bourke Street MelbourneOverview This presentation provides an overview of the tunnel design for the iconic North East Link Program. This is the largest tunnel project Melbourne has ever seen. North East Link (NEL) is the largest investment in a road project in Victoria’s history. It is the missing link in Melbourne’s orbital freeway between an upgraded Eastern ...
Ground Challenges in Melbourne’s Metro Tunnel Project
Hybrid - in person and online at ARUP Melbourne 699 Collins Street, Docklands, VictoriaOverview Please join us for the first in the new season of ICE technical presentations at Arup’s office in Melbourne and online. This fascinating talk, presented in collaboration between the ICE and the Australian Tunnel Society (ATS), will explore the ground challenges on the Metro Tunnel Project. The event will also be live streamed, which ...
ATS VIC – Discrete fracture network approach for underground support design optimisation
230 Kwong Lee Dow Building 234 Queensberry Street, Carlton, VIC, AustraliaGround support design for underground rock engineering projects often adopts empirical methods, which were mostly developed in 1960s and 1970s. While these methods have provided a useful tool to aid design, they have typically been based on a limited database of project experience and so their results need to be interpreted in the context of ...
Geomechanics of pressure tunnels and shafts – a critical review of existing knowledge
SMEC Tower 4, 727 Collins St, Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaOverview Hydropower and pumped storage projects are becoming increasingly appealing as environmentally friendly energy sources and large-scale energy storage solutions. Pressure tunnels/shafts are among the primary components of such projects. Although the design of these pressure tunnels and shafts has been well-established for decades, during the peak of hydropower project development, particularly prior to the ...
ATS VIC – North East Link Tunnel Project Industry Updates by Paul, Ken and Hayley
Sky Park One Melbourne Quarter, 699 Collins Street, Docklands, VIC, AustraliaType: hybrid event Online link - Webinar Link Venue - Sky Park, One Melbourne Quarter, 699 Collins Street, Docklands, VIC, 3008, Australia. Time and date: 6th September 2023, Wednesday 5:00 PM – 5:30 PM: Networking over refreshments 5:30 PM – 6:20 PM: Presentation 6:20 PM – 6:30 PM: Q&As and Closing Comments Outline The North ...
Annual Special Meeting – ATS Victoria
WSP Australia office, Level 11, 567 Collins Street, MelbourneATS Victoria invites all Victorian-based members to their Annual Special Meeting (ASM) to hear how the Chapter performed over the last year and what is planned for the following year. Timings 5:30 - 6:00 - Networking 6:00 - 6:15 - Annual Special Meeting 6:15 - 7:00 - Technical Presentation 7:00 onwards - Networking Agenda Apologies ...
Join the Feast of St. Barbara in Melbourne – 7 Dec
John Holland Offices Level 9, 180 Flinders Street, Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaSt Barbara’s Day Celebration - 7 December The Victorian Chapter of the ATS invites members to attend an in-person celebration for the Feast Day of St. Barbara, the patron saint of tunnellers and miners, at an end of year social gathering on Thursday, 7th December. This networking-focused event is being held in the wonderful event ...
Celebrating International Women’s Day – Unveiling the Stories of Senior Professionals in Tunnelling
Arup Offices - Sky Park 1 Melbourne Quarter, 699 Collins Street, Docklands, Victoria, AustraliaWednesday 6th of March, 2023 Come join us in real life (if you are in Melbourne) or online for a dynamic hybrid event that celebrates the journeys and experiences of senior professionals within the tunnelling industry!! Three distinguished speakers will share their personal stories, followed by a panel discussion and Q&A on industry trends, ...
ATSym Industry Night – Welcome Future Tunnellers
Monash University Clayton Campus Green Chemical Futures Building - Level 4 Auditorium, Clayton, Victoria, AustraliaThe ATSym invites all members, non-members, and students to join us for an engaging panel discussion featuring firsthand experiences from three tunnelling professionals at different stages of their careers. They will provide insights into working in Australia's tunnelling industry. This is your chance to hear from and gain valuable guidance on career paths, industry trends, ...