Occupational health in tunnelling – ITA Lecture Series
OnlineThe episode will feature one lecture and finish with a Q&A session with all speakers. Occupational Health and Welfare in Tunnelling - Donald Lamont & Eric Ball. The Lunchtime lecture series remains free and open to all. For all those that cannot join ‘live’, please register and you will receive a link to view the ...
Geomechanics of pressure tunnels and shafts – a critical review of existing knowledge
SMEC Tower 4, 727 Collins St, Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaOverview Hydropower and pumped storage projects are becoming increasingly appealing as environmentally friendly energy sources and large-scale energy storage solutions. Pressure tunnels/shafts are among the primary components of such projects. Although the design of these pressure tunnels and shafts has been well-established for decades, during the peak of hydropower project development, particularly prior to the ...
ATS VIC – North East Link Tunnel Project Industry Updates by Paul, Ken and Hayley
Sky Park One Melbourne Quarter, 699 Collins Street, Docklands, VIC, AustraliaType: hybrid event Online link - Webinar Link Venue - Sky Park, One Melbourne Quarter, 699 Collins Street, Docklands, VIC, 3008, Australia. Time and date: 6th September 2023, Wednesday 5:00 PM – 5:30 PM: Networking over refreshments 5:30 PM – 6:20 PM: Presentation 6:20 PM – 6:30 PM: Q&As and Closing Comments Outline The North ...
Tunnel systems: planning assets today for the future
Online and in person at: Level 9, 340 Adelaide Street, BrisbaneOverview In this session, we will explore examples of tunnels that have undergone significant refurbishment, upgrade, or change to their systems, both locally and internationally. We will examine some of the lessons learned and challenges overcome. Our objective is to look at how these lessons might be applied to tunnel systems today to better support ...
Sprayed concrete use
OnlineThis instalment of the Lunchtime lecture series will focus on 'Sprayed concrete use.' The episode will feature four lectures and will finish with a Q&A with all speakers. Introduction - Karl Gunnar Holter An overview of sprayed concrete methodology - Catherine Larive Sustainability & Application - Ross Dimmock Material properties and design - Karl Gunnar ...
Conventional tunnelling in an urban setting: design and construction considerations
OnlineThis instalment of the Lunchtime lecture series will f ...
New developments in BIM
Webinar Register via the link to join!ONLINE EVENT This instalment of the lecture series wil ...
ATSym Industry Night – Welcome Future Tunnellers
Monash University Clayton Campus Green Chemical Futures Building - Level 4 Auditorium, Clayton, Victoria, AustraliaThe ATSym invites all members, non-members, and students to join us for an engaging panel discussion featuring firsthand experiences from three tunnelling professionals at different stages of their careers. They will provide insights into working in Australia's tunnelling industry. This is your chance to hear from and gain valuable guidance on career paths, industry trends, ...
BP KWOL Pipeline Relocation – Largest Brownfield Trenchless Relocation in Australia
ATS/AGS/ICE/ASTT jointly presents this in person and online Hybrid Technical Event. Overview Thornlie Cockburn Link (TCL) project consists of a new railway line between the Armadale and Mandurah lines via the Thornlie and Cockburn Stations. The track extension from Thornlie to Cockburn is approximately 14.50 km. To make way for the major construction works, a ...
Tunnel Systems Education at the Victorian Tunnelling Centre – Online Presentation
OnlineAbout the VTC The Victorian Tunnelling Centre (VTC) at Holmesglen Institute's Drummond Street campus trains and upskills thousands of workers in underground construction and tunnelling. Training up to 5,000 learners annually, the Australian-first tunnelling facility ensures that Victorians are leaders in underground construction, operations and workplace health and safety. Who should attend this presentation? Anyone with ...