ATS 50-year anniversary 1972-2022

The Australian Tunnelling Society (ATS), formed as AUCTA in 1972, is a technical society that aims to advance the knowledge of the Australasian tunnelling industry through areas of design, construction and utilisation of underground space, including technical aspects, health and safety, and environmental considerations.

2022 marked the 50th anniversary of the Australian Tunnelling Society and to mark this very special landmark in the history of the ATS, a number of promotions and events were organised. These included:

  • The release of special anniversary shirts (business and polo)
  • A major birthday party event in October 2022. This included a national video hook up and local sit-down dinner in the evening
  • A special edition of the ATS Journal (click on the image below), which featured the significant people, projects and disciplines that have shaped our industry


Historical papers

Reshaping Cities Using Underground Construction – 1974