At this time of uncertainty it has given a number of us time to think and ponder some of the more interesting or controversial areas of tunnelling and life. The ATS will be presenting these pieces of writing from our membership and we welcome submissions.
The conditions of the article publication are:
Author must be an ATS member
Writing must have at least a tenuous link to tunnels or tunnelling
Pieces shall be reviewed and chosen by the ATS Executive
Please submit your article to ats@engineersaustralia.org.au with the subject line Tunnel Thoughts.
50 years of tunnel lighting
By John Rogers A fundamental safety requirement is for drivers to have adequate visibility when approaching the tunnel, at the moment of entry, within the tunnel and when exiting. To provide adequate visibility, lighting systems are designed to ove...
The Observational Method in Tunnelling
The Observational Method in Tunnelling Diane Mather, Design Manager, Inland Rail, ARTC Alex Gomes, Chief Technical Principal - Tunnels, SMEC Background The design of tunnels and underground structures often involves a myriad of technical disciplines,...
Towards model Australian underground works contracts: regulatory baseline reporting
Towards model Australian underground works contracts: Regulatory Baseline reporting—fairness when government rules and regulations change By Professor Arnold Dix Scientist & Lawyer, Professor of Engineering CEO & Managing Director—ALARP Consu...
Help I can’t breathe — the battle against complacency on climate change
If engineers do one thing well it is listen to the design engineers, evaluate the numbers and their results and as such construct safe and usable structures built both high and dug deep in the ground. The science of climate change is unequivocal and ...
Critical Velocity and Tunnel Smoke Control Part Two
Filling the NFPA 502 void Michael Beyer, Conrad Stacey, Arnold Dix This article should be read as continuation of our earlier part one note to the ATS about Annex D of (NFPA 502, 2020). It proposes a value for critical velocity, filling the void to b...
Critical velocity and the significance of the imminent retraction of 2020 NFPA 502’s Annex D critical velocity equations Part One
Michael Beyer, Conrad Stacey, Arnold Dix This note summarises what was discovered in a review of the technical background for the change to the critical velocity values resulting from Annex D of (NFPA 502, 2020), as well as the recent developments r...