ATS QLD – RBWH Annual Golf Day 2019

October 28th, 2019|

On Friday 18th October 2019 ATS members and sponsors attended the Annual Charity golf day in support of The Royal Brisbane Woman’s Hospital Foundation. It was a successful, sunny day and with 80 registered players,...

ATS 2019 David Sugden Winner

August 13th, 2019|

The 2019 edition of the David Sugden Award winner is Senthilnath G.T. Senthilnath's paper Design & Construction of Pedestrian Access Tunnels below an Existing Operational Metro Tunnels & Station was sighted by the jud...

Perth ATS Short Course Wrap Up

June 19th, 2019|

The Perth chapter of the Australian Tunnelling Society hosted a two-and-a-half-day short course to leverage of the current experience and knowledge residing in Perth with the Forrestfield Airport Link project. The 78 course d...

WTC2019 Wrap Up

June 4th, 2019|

The International Tunnelling Association (ITA-AITES) is the peak body for tunnelling and tunnellers the world over. From the 3rd to the 9th of May the whole ITA family including a large Australian contingent visited Napoli fo...

Snowy 2.0

May 31st, 2019|

The evening of Wednesday 29th May 2019 saw a presentation on the Snowy 2.0 pumped-hydro power scheme in the Snowy Mountains. The scheme will add significant additional generating and storage capacity to the network, securing ...

ATS Tunnel Design Working Group

April 15th, 2019|

Due to many developments in tunnel design in Australia over a period of many years, the Australian Tunnelling Society (ATS) has recognised the requirement to establish a guideline of tunnel design practice in Australia.  Duri...

2019 David Sugden Open and 2018 Roadshow

February 18th, 2019|

Entries are now officially open for the 2019 edition of the David Sugden Award. The award was originally established in 2004 to encourage young engineers to develop the art of technical writing, and is named in honour of Davi...

Initial Document Release from NSW AQWG

December 13th, 2018|

The Australian Tunnelling Society recognises the importance of health and safety in our industry in addition to valuing the strong experience and contribution of our members to support key stakeholders in our ever-growing sec...

ATS NSW Golf Day – Proceeds Donated to Garvan Institute

December 12th, 2018|

ATS NSW, led by committee member Brad Boardman, organised a very successful NSW ATS Charity Golf Day at the Ryde Parramatta Gold Course on the 8th November.  Following the event, ATS NSW were able to donate over $14,000 to th...

WTC2020 Call for Abstracts

December 3rd, 2018|

The World Tunnel Congress will return to Asia-Pacific in 2020 with The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM) to host the ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress (WTC) 2020 and 46th General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from ...

2018 ATS Design and Construction Short Course

November 28th, 2018|

The Australasian Tunnelling Society recently hosted a three day short-course in Melbourne, featuring a variance of tunnelling design and construction sessions. The schedule included two and half days of technical presentatio...

Australian Tunnelling Society Revised Name

November 20th, 2018|

The Tunnelling Society has developed over the 38 years of operations as the focus of the group has shifted to keep pace with developments in industry and activity. Initially the group started as part of the Australian Geomec...

Sydney Workshop Success

November 1st, 2018|

On the 24th of October the Sydney Chapter of the ATS held a workshop titled Emerging Trends in Tunnels. The workshop was sold out weeks in advance with 85 participants engaging with detailed presentations regarding trends and...

ATS 2018 David Sugden Winner

September 26th, 2018|

This year the David Sugden competition has been particularly close, with judging of the top three papers separated by a single point. The winner of the 2018 David Sugden Award is Matthew Bennett's paper Vulnerable Road User I...

Harry Asche – QLD Professional Engineer of the Year

August 23rd, 2018|

Australasian Tunnel Society Vice Chair and Queensland Member Harry Asche has been awarded the Queensland Professional Engineer of the Year at the Queensland 2018 Engineering Excellence Awards. Queensland ATS committee members...

Peter Watson

July 31st, 2018|

The ATS NSW Committee are saddened to report that our colleague Peter Watson passed away earlier this year after a battle with illness.  Many of our ATS community will have met Peter through our various ATS event such as the ...

Safe Work Australia’s focus of Dust in Infrastructure

July 29th, 2018|

Safe Work Australia’s Virtual Seminar Series on silica dust, known as the “#silicaseries” was published in July 2018. As many members would be aware, the tunnelling industry presents many inherent work health and safety risk...

Progress of the NSW AQWG

June 30th, 2018|

The Air Quality Working Group (AQWG) was established at the Silica in Tunnelling workshop held at ATS2017. Its stakeholders include SafeWork NSW, project delivery directors, construction managers, and health and safety leade...

ITAym Breakthrough 2018 has landed

June 23rd, 2018|

For the last four years the International Tunnelling Association Young Members (ITAym), in conjunction with the Tunnelling Journal team have published a magazine documenting the experiences and adventures of young tunnellers...

EOI – November 15 ATS Tunnel Systems Workshop

June 20th, 2018|

The Queensland Branch of the Australasian Tunnelling Society invites members and guests to join us for a one-day Tunnel Systems workshop, on the 15th of November, 2018. The speakers will present industry experience in the are...

QLD ATS Young Members Networking Breakfast

June 1st, 2018|

The Westconnex New M5 Project Networking Breakfast was hosted by the QLD ATS Young Members on Friday, 1st of June. The breakfast was very well attended, drawing in a diverse group of ATS and EA members. A big thank you t...

ATS QLD – 2018 Charity Golf Day

May 9th, 2018|

The ATS (QLD Chapter) 2018 Charity Golf Day was held on Friday 19th April at the St Lucia Golf Course. The wet weather did not stop play, over 60 players competed in a four ball Ambrose event, to raise money for the RBWH ...