Women In Tunnelling Breakfast Destined To Be A Highlight

April 23rd, 2021|

The Australian Tunnelling Society is delighted to be hosting a Women in Tunnelling breakfast on 12 May 2020 as part of the ATS 2020+1 conference. We are thrilled to announce Dr Collette Burke as our special guest speaker at t...

ATS 2020+1 Preliminary Program At A Glance

April 16th, 2021|

Take a look at all the exciting exhibitors, speakers and functions that will be occurring at the Australian Tunnelling Conference next month. The majority will take place at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, whi...

Corey Hannett Joins List of ATS 2020+1 Keynote Speakers

April 16th, 2021|

ATS 2020+1 organisers are thrilled to announce Corey Hannett will be presenting at the conference as a keynote speaker next month. Mr Hannett has been Victoria’s Director-General overseeing its massive pipeline of transport i...

Brodie Aitchison appointed as ATSym Representative

February 12th, 2021|

Since 2015 the ATS has ensured the voice of the next generation of tunnellers is heard at the national level through the appointment of an ATS young members representative who sits on the national executive committee. Brodie...

ATS Winners at ITA Awards

December 7th, 2020|

On the 4th of December this year the Australian Tunnelling Society celebrated, St Barbara's Day, World Tunnel Day and the 6th ITA Awards. The awards were held as a digital event, with delegates able to review final submissio...

ATS Tunnel Design Guideline Launch

October 16th, 2020|

This guide has been produced by a team of skilled and enthusiastic practitioners from the Young Members (YMs) of the Australian Tunnelling Society. We hope that this guide will help with your journey in the exciting world of...

2020 ATS David Sugden Award Winner

August 12th, 2020|

The winner of the 2020 David Sugden Award is Daniel O'Kelly for his paper Implications of the Evolving Vehicle Fleet on Ventilation Energy Consumption in NSW Road Tunnels. The judging panel noted the winning paper "an import...

ATS Webinar Archive

July 6th, 2020|

The Australian Tunnelling Society is a proud part of the broader Engineers Australia family. As a Technical Society of EA, the ATS have facilitated a number of webinar events which are available for all members to view via t...

Women in Industry Awards – Nominations Open

May 22nd, 2020|

Nominations are open for the Women in Industry Awards. The categories for nomination include: Social Leader of the Year; Rising Star of the Year; Business Development Success of the Year; Industry Advocacy Award; Mentor of t...

Tunnel Thoughts

March 31st, 2020|

Dear Colleagues, At this time of uncertainty it has given a number of us time to think and ponder some of the more interesting or controversial areas of tunnelling and life. The ATS will be presenting these pieces of writing...

NZTS Publishes GBR Guide

March 20th, 2020|

In March 2020 the New Zealand Tunnelling Society released "Geotechnical Baseline Reports: A Guide for New Zealand Practitioners". Geotechnical Baseline Reports or GBRs have been used for over two decades in the New Zealand m...

David Sugden Award 2020 Launch

February 20th, 2020|

The ATS are proud to announce nominations are now open for the 2020 edition of the David Sugden Award. The David Sugden Award was launched in 2004 as a way of promoting the art of technical writing with young tunnellers. The...

Crystalline Silica PhD Scholarship Opportunity

February 8th, 2020|

The University of Wollongong has a number of PhD scholarships relating to air quality including Diesel Particulate Matter (DPM), dust and Respirable Crystalline Silica (RCS). The following projects are available: Centralised...

Changing of the Guard

December 19th, 2019|

What a great year 2019 has been and 2020 set to be even bigger with Melbourne hosting the 17th Australasian Tunnelling Conference 29 November- 02 December. The National Executive would like to formally acknowledge the cont...

Peter Watson 2019 Golf Day

December 11th, 2019|

On a smoky and hot afternoon 106 keen golfers made their way to the Ryde Parramtta Golf Club for the 2019 edition of the Peter Watson Memorial Charity Golf Day. The day included a four ball ambrose competition across the 18 ...

ATS QLD – National Tunnelling Day Celebratory Dinner

December 9th, 2019|

To celebrate St Barbara Day and World Tunnel Day  the ATS Queensland chapter hosted a celebratory dinner at The Charming Squire in South Bank, Brisbane. The event is one of the most highly regarded events in the tunnellin...

ATS Tunnel Design Guideline Draft

November 26th, 2019|

The initial draft of the ATS' Design Guide is nearing completion with a power of work from the ATSym nominees. The development of this draft has been in line with the Terms of Reference established and approved by the ATS Exe...

AQWG win Safety Initiative of the Year at ITA Awards

November 20th, 2019|

The ATS’s Air Quality Working Group (AQWG) has been successful in winning the “Safety Initiative of the Year” award as part of the ITA Awards held in Miami in mid-November. Since the first edition of the ITA Awards in 2015 th...