Thornlie Cockburn Link – BP KWOL Relocation Project
July 8, 2022 @ 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm AEST
BP KWOL (Kewdale White Oil Line) relocation project forms part of the service relocation works for the Thornlie Cockburn Link project where an existing rail reserve running between the Thornlie Railway Station and the Kwinana Freeway will be used to extend the passenger rail network currently used for freight services only.
The relocation works involves a total of 12.5km of DN300 fuel line installed using various techniques including: 11.5km of Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD), 2x40m of Microtunnel Under Track Crossing (UTX), 1.1km of open trenching and 80m of bridge crossing.
HDD drilling works were split into 12 distinct drill shots varying from 300m up to 1.4km each due to site constraints.
This joint event by ATS, ICE and ASTT provides a great opportunity for members and the attendees to understand the HDD trenchless construction techniques/methodologies during the site briefing and attend the HDD site to witness the operation in action. Total tour duration is expected to be around 1.5 hours including orientation and induction.