ATS QLD – Spaceproofing for tunnels
June 2, 2022 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm AEST
This event is hosted by the ATS Tunnel Systems group and is a joint session with ITEE.
Spaceproofing is a critical early activity required to inform the design and construction of tunnels and underground spaces.
It is important to get the sizing for tunnels right. Too small; the tunnel may not be able to function or be operated as intended. Constructing a tunnel that is too big; you are wasting your money.
Spaceproofing ensures that all required functions can be accommodated within the planned tunnel volume. This can be a challenge for tunnel design, which involves reconciling the functional space needs of a large number of stakeholders and resolving many complex physical interfaces early in the design process.
Event program
5.30pm — In-person registration & networking (catering)
6.00pm — Webinar commencement
7.30pm — Webinar conclusion & in-person networking
8.00pm — In-person conclusion
Tony Peglas BEng, CPEng, RPEQ
Principal Aurecon
Tony is a Principal at Aurecon with over 20 years’ experience in the tunnelling industry and has worked on many large-scale tunnelling infrastructure projects including the Inland Rail Project, West Gate Tunnel Project, WestConnex New M5 and M4-M5 Link, NorthConnex, Airport Link Project, Clem7 and Cross City Tunnel. Tony is the Australasian Tunnelling Society (ATS) representative on the Austroads Tunnels Taskforce which undertakes research on new technologies and best practice for road tunnel projects.
Tom Starling
Associate Principal – Mechanical ECI
Tom Starling is a mechanical engineer with 16 years of experience in process, industrial, mining, infrastructure, water and defence sectors.
Tom works for EIC Activities, a member of the CIMIC group. Tom has worked with tunnel space-proofing strategies all around Australia and overseas, in transport, power and mining applications with sister companies CPB, Thiess, Leighton Asia, and their joint venture partners. Tom’s background is in delivery of design and technical services, but his role at EIC Activities sees him advising a wide audience of engineers, stakeholders, operators and financers in all phases of project development, approaching issues from a range of perspectives.
Chris Baker
Tunnel Systems Design Manager – UGL Brisbane
Chris is an engineering design manager with UGL and works within the Major Projects Underground Infrastructure team designing road and rail tunnels within Australia, with recent detail design experience on M6 in Sydney and Cross river rail in Brisbane. He has a degree in mechanical engineering, a master degree project management and an MBA. Chris has a very board experience of mechanical and electrical tunnel systems including Fire and Life Safety and Security in design and enjoys the challengers that come with Major Projects.
Prior to working on road and rail tunnels, Chris worked on tunnels in the mining industry focusing on services design and gained construction and commission experience.