Building around existing tunnels seminar
April 27, 2023 @ 8:30 am - 5:00 pm AEST
Join the Australian Tunnelling Society (ATS) and Australian Geomechanics Society (AGS) for a one-day seminar on the impacts that building construction has on tunnels.
There is an increasing demand for the assessment of the potential impact of new building construction, including new tunnels, on existing tunnels and other underground infrastructure.
There are limited resources both on the approvals side and for developers to carry out these assessments and particularly in a timely manner.
The purpose of this seminar is for presentations, papers and a panel discussion to provide useful information for the broad range of participants involved. Particularly referring standards and guidelines including applicability of structural and geotechnical assessment criteria.
The tunnels involved could be road, rail, sewer or water supply. Topics could also include-analysis case studies, monitoring methods and data, dilapidation surveys, the approval process, predictions of impacts verses actual impacts and any economic, property or legal issues.
Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea will be provided.
8:30 Arrival and registration
9:00 Welcome and Introduction – Ted Nye
9:10 Design of the CRR station caverns for future over site development – Strath Clarke
9:35 Preliminary impact assessment for new building development applications over existing tunnels – Don Cooper & Adrian Chau
10:00 Deep excavation in Sydney Sandstone adjacent to planned metro tunnels – Paul Hewitt
10:25 Questions
10:35 Morning Tea
10:55 City Shaping Infrastructure Projects: The Sydney Metro Corridor Protection Development Review Process – Owen Davies
11:20 Development Near Underground Rail Corridors – Engineering Assessment with Case Studies – Jiping Pan
11:45 Technical assessment of new developments impact on historical and recent tunnels in Melbourne – Lesley Yang
12:10 Containment system for deep excavations with adjoining tunnels – video presentation – Marco Perez
12:35 Questions
12:45 Lunch
13:30 A case study – Tunnelling adjacent to a major water transfer tunnel – Mark Sheffield
13:55 Modelling potential impact on critical and heritage buried infrastructure from adjacent development – A. Sarathchandran
14:20 Basement Excavation Analysis – Potential impact on the North Georges River Sewer (NGRS) – Ted Nye
14:45 Questions
14:55 Afternoon Tea
15:15 Assessment of the impact of a new building development on the future Rozelle Interchange Tunnels in Sydney – Sabrina Kost
15:40 Feasibility study on the effect of a building development near tunnels at Sydney CBD – M. Khoshini
16:05 Barangaroo South – International Tower 3 – Protecting a Future Rail Corridor – Ted Nye
16:30 Questions
16:40 Close