ATC2 Symposium 2021 – Digital transformation in tunnelling
December 2, 2021
ATC2 stands for Austrian Tunnel Competence Center and represents a platform for innovation and know-how transfer in the field of tunnel construction. Besides developments in the field of the traditional cyclical tunneling method, NATM, continuous tunneling as well as special underground construction measures are also dealt with. Special challenges and innovations from deep-lying rock tunneling to urban (shallow) loose rock tunneling, are considered.
The ATC2 Symposium replaces the previous Südbahntagung and was first held on 29.11.2019 at the TU Graz.
The theme for the ATC2 Symposium 2021 is “digital transformation in tunneling”; a topic which is being promoted both by the Chair of Subsurface Engineering at MU Leoben and the Institute for Rock Mechanics and Tunneling at TU Graz. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of tunnel construction contributions regarding digitalization from all branches of tunnel construction will be addressed.
In 2021 the ATC2 Symposium will be held directly after the Tunnel Boring in Difficult Grounds (TBMDiGs) conference, and it will be possible to register for both events at a reduced combination registration price. More information about the TBMDiGs can be found here: TBMDiGs.
We offer for the first time the possibility of a synchronised live and online participation.